4/23/08 Darfur Fridge (ozymandiaz)

just in from the incomparable oz, creator of the blog Ocellus, a poem about more than the darfur fridge

This entry was posted in art, blood diamond, children of war, collaborative storybook, Darfur, ocellus, ozymandiaz, physics, picture prompts, poem, poetry, politics, rainbow, steel sculpture, thursday prompt, Uncategorized, vanity, war, war toys. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to 4/23/08 Darfur Fridge (ozymandiaz)

  1. rick mobbs says:

    wow oz, that’s great! I’m going to add here what my 8 y.o. son, Broadus, had to say about the piece after we read and talked about your poem:

    “…the little holes with the red around them look like where the diamonds used to be , but the red is the rocks that smashed the men but the diamonds came out whole. And the mine owners get more greedy and are more wealthy…”


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