movie start date pushed

update…. it looks like my start date on the movie is pushed to Monday, which is fine with me. We are still doing the last minute ordering and nesting which we hope will make life in the coming weeks easier. The plan is for another homebirth. (This Naomi’s call, totally.) We have a great mid-wife, Liz Whithnall, of Las Vegas, N.M. Expect things will go smoothly but have to say the first time around was a very scary night, and not just because Broadus arrived on Halloween. Naomi and Broadus watched birthing videos tonight. He wants to be there with us.

This entry was posted in art, art for film and tv, birth, broadus, collaboration, collaborative storybook, completion, ecphrasis, elizabeth withnall, faith, homebirth, image prompts, love, NM midwife, picture prompts, poetry, pregnancy, thursday prompt. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to movie start date pushed

  1. johemmant says:

    I have friends whose kiddos were there and loved it. I would have loved a homebirth but first time round was so traumatic that it wasn’t possible, that said, the second time was wonderful, so empowering, most amazing I’ve ever felt. I’m getting excited……names, have you picked names yet?


  2. marlowe44 says:

    How wonderful and incredible in this crazy techno-world that you and Naomi are doing a homebirth experience. Hospitals are no place to visit unless absolutely forced to! I know, I work in one, and hang out much too much in several others with some health issues. To have Broadus there would probably do a lot to begin to further create a more sensitive man, a child in touch with the universe. I envy you, son, for you seem to have a rainbow in your chest. You have such incredible talent, and like Janet Leigh says, you are so creative, so masterful in your insights, so open to life and every sort of experience, that it pushes we lethargic types to do our best to rise to your level. I love your art and your heart, sir. We that are able will pray, will commune with Being, will speak to Allthatis, will petition God Almighty to bless you and yours. Congratulations, on the growth of your family and your soul and creative energies. Best of luck on your gig as well.

    Hugs and Heart Strings: Glenn


  3. amuirin says:

    Brave kid. I wouldn’t have even attended my own birth if there had been some way of getting out of it. 🙂

    Sing prayers to your family for a safe and joyful day for the new addition.


  4. A home birth with an experienced midwife sounds great! Brother is in for an education, and why not? He will feel grounded to the universe, to life, to earth.


  5. rick mobbs says:

    Jo, I like Boudicca for a girl’s name but Naomi’s not crazy about it. My mom’s name is Aurelia. I like Nomio, Nanda, and Ada Corinna.

    We already have a hedgehog named Boudicca. I wonder where Amuirin came from? And then, there’s Johemmant… and Mariacristina… We haven’t really considered Boy’s names yet.

    Whoa!! Mr. Marlowe44, Easy does it, you’ll embarrass me!

    Yeah, I know, Amuirin. Squeezed through a tube like a lump of dough.

    I think so, too, Cristine.


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