collaboration #2, on ‘standing in the shadows’, a poem by oz on a painting by rick

I am honored that the very able and gifted Ozymandiaz (ocellus) responded to the invitation to make up a story about the painting below with the poem below that. Please visit his blog for more great stuff. (I would like one day to illustrate one of his wilder pirate poems.)

The remarkable collaboration with Johemment (floresence) follows this post.

collaboration with oz

Neath the ashen sky
Her spirit strong and true
Some saw but a mare
But the wisest knew
The painted desert soul
Watching o’er this land
Known well as the wind
Known well as the sand
Presents herself this day
To run and to fly
In form seldom seen
Neath the ashen sky

This entry was posted in art, collaboration, ecphrasis poetry, johemment, lucid dreaming, myths, ocellus, oz, ozymandiaz, painting, poetry, standing in the shadows, stories. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to collaboration #2, on ‘standing in the shadows’, a poem by oz on a painting by rick

  1. janetleigh says:

    This is wonderful! Puts an entirely different feel to the painting; the poem, to me, sounds like a genuine Native American voice – wise and grounded. Very, very nice, Ozymandiaz! 🙂


  2. johemmant says:

    Well I already said this but I’ll say it again, loved this Ozy, and Janet is right about the native voice…..I love known well as the wind/known well as the sand and the painted desert soul is beautiful. I also like how you’ve framed it with the sky, because that is so fundamental to the painting.


  3. Paul says:

    Cool, a different view, this was really a great idea and you have two fantastic interpretations. Ozy’s poetry always has that smooth rhythm and open quality that fits the painting perfectly,


  4. purefnevyl says:

    Nice one two punch.


  5. Childlife says:

    I don’t know how I missed that there were two poems for this painting! (Didn’t catch that one until you mentioned it in your comments, Rick…)

    I love this one too… and after reading this interpretation I see a whole new painting. Now I can see desert mesas and a wild pony. I’m enjoying this collaboration idea more by the minute! 😀


  6. Pingback: new arrivals, new arrangements « the storybook collaborative

  7. jorc709 says:

    this is very beautiful. I too wrote based on this painting, but your work, well, quite amazing. thank you for sharing this!

    empty garden


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