the kiss of the fourth wind

the kiss of the wind

the kiss of the wind

oil on canvas, 16 x 30 approx

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4 Responses to the kiss of the wind

  1. randomyriad says:

    I love the colors and the way the images move through one another. It has a very serious childlike feel. The middle figure is so lonely and vague.


  2. rick mobbs says:

    thanks, random myriad… i have been surprised by the response but when i get away from the canvas and see the image on the screen i start to see the beauty there. or me the middle figure shifts back and forth between lonely and vague, and self-contained and easy with the world. maybe a little wistful.


  3. openhand says:

    My feeling is the figure in the middle knows something quite contentedly and everything else going on around is part of that something. My new favorite of yours!


  4. rick mobbs says:

    thanks, peter, i like your interpretation. it fits.


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