firecracker girl turns 2

Ada, our 4th of July baby. I’m returning to something I wrote after she arrived. I made it up of course. I imagine it will be a few more years before she can tell me what it was really like.

The Daughter’s Song

I swim through the darkness, always upward, my eyes open,
looking ahead through the streaming dark water
to the wavering image of my father, smiling,
holding my eyes as I kick to him.
He knows the joy of my kicks and wriggles,
my speed in the water,
my delight at finding myself here,
and once more, a girl.
I rejoice in my strength,

reach for him through my image,
my image held, once again, as a twist of wind on water.

For a split second his blue eyes and broad smile overlay mine,
we see through each others eyes,
I touch his face, his rough beard, his strong hands take mine
and the image wavers but the love never does.

The wind whistles around us, singing the song it always sings
when I come back in. The birth song of ending, of beginning,

of having and holding, finding and releasing,
letting go and losing and finding and touching and singing

and losing and finding again.

This entry was posted in Broadus and Ada, firecracker girl, home birth, jason bruno, kiss of the wind, naomi swinton, poetry, supernatural bridge, works in progress. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to firecracker girl turns 2

  1. Tina Trivett says:

    Wow, 2 already!! She’s really growing fast. My new Granddaughter is an Ada also 🙂 Hope all is well with you & yours.


  2. rick mobbs says:

    Tina, all well with ours. Good to hear from you again. I’m hoping to be able to get back to this space more often. Best to you and yours.


  3. suburbanlife says:

    What a beautiful strong girl your Ada is becoming. She looks like her mother, but seems to have inherited your curly hair. How delightful for all of you in your family that she is going strong and will continue to add spark to your lives. G


  4. Brad says:

    Rick. So good to see you back. I can’t really fathom how quickly those last two years have passed. Looking forward to seeing you in regular action again. Happy Birthday Ada!


  5. rick mobbs says:

    Hi Brad, yes it does fly by. And how they grow. It’s good to be back. It seems like some of the regulars have closed shop or drifted away. Glad you are still blogging. Thanks for the visit.

    suburban, how is life in Canada? Your last post was in February. On my birthday in fact. What are you up to now? Hope all is well with you.


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