9/4/08 image prompt

Wanted to call it, “Bruno Goes To War”, but that’s not really what it’s about. So, for lack of a title I’ll just call it “The Fight”.

Have fun with it. Next week I’ll get back to, heck, I don’t know. This week the kid in the ring is on my mind.

(In “catagories”I checked “race in america” without thinking, but I think I’ll leave it. Hope to hear from you. Have a great week.)

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3 Responses to 9/4/08 image prompt

  1. noahthegreat says:

    I actually wrote this, when you had the picture up before.



  2. annieepoetry says:

    I like the flag in the back. I didn’t notice it at first. very good.


  3. amuirin says:

    It would be terribly prejudiced to say anything about this prompt.

    Cus I hit the blogs to seek solace from football season. It’s back again. Just the beginning, it will always be on.

    So I might be a little close-minded to see men grappling
    in one of the grunty, testosterone games they play-


    I really like the colors of his ‘thump’.


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